Chronic Vs. Acute Foot Pain: Knowing the Difference And Seeking Treatment

Foot pain is pretty common in people, and it can significantly affect their lives. It can start as a dull ache and go towards sharp and excruciating pain that you can't take your mind off. Understanding the type of foot pain is important to seek the right heel pain treatment Adelaide. In this article, we are looking at two kinds of foot pain: acute and chronic, identifying the symptoms and understanding when to seek care.

Chronic Foot Pain Symptoms

Indicators of chronic foot pain include a lack of relief from the pain for an extended period (weeks, months, or years). Always lingering in the background, this pain is like that annoying next-door neighbour. In many cases, this type of pain can be the result of underlying conditions like arthritis, nerve damage, or anatomical abnormalities in the feet.

Finding out whether your foot pain is chronic can be a challenge. In most cases, if the pain has been consistent for a long time, it is considered a chronic foot pain. Usually, this kind of pain doesn’t go away with rest.

Acute Foot Pain Symptoms

When your feet start aching suddenly, it's likely an acute foot pain. Acute pain usually develops fast and can be linked to a single incident. One example of acute foot pain is the pain caused by twisting your ankle while running. You can't afford to ignore acute foot pain. It is often accompanied by swelling bruising, and restricted motion.

Seeking Treatment for Chronic Pain

Consultation with a foot specialist Adelaide should be your initial move in seeking treatment. A foot specialist can examine your feet to find out the cause of pain. With proper diagnosis, the foot specialist can make recommendations like medicine, physical therapy, orthotics, or other treatment options.

Addressing Acute Pain

You may ignore acute pain and feel like it can go on its own. But instead, you should act quickly to prevent future harm and ease any pain you may be experiencing. Never put off seeing a medical professional if you're experiencing persistent or worsening discomfort.

About The Foot Pain Clinic:

The Foot Pain Clinic is one of the best podiatrist Glenelg clinics that focuses on restoring healthy feet. Its team of podiatrists provides the most personalised treatment plans for a wide range of foot issues. They are helping patients get back on their feet and live pain-free lives.

Book a consultation today by visiting


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